Convenience Services
When we say almost everything is at your fingertips at Princeton Windrows, we really mean it. Need to get some cash or deposit a check? An ATM is available. Need to book our sedan and driver for an outing with friends? Call Transportation at our Front Desk. Does that new armoire you had delivered need to be moved upstairs? Call Maintenance to book two movers and a dolly at a low hourly rate. Overdue for a haircut? Call our onsite barber and beauty salon to book a time. Does your pet need his annual exam? Need to send an email but your home PC is acting up? Drop by our Computer Room and log in.
In many ways, living at Princeton Windrows is like living in a village, with everything close by, yet with one major difference—you don't need to drive there. If you run out of dog food and milk, pick them up at our Corner Store. Stop by or call our Library to see if the new biography you requested has arrived. Do your windows need cleaning? Call Maintenance to get a quote and a day/time. Are your indoor and outdoor plants ailing? Stop by the Garden Center & Greenhouse to get some tips from our gardening staff. Want to have your blood pressure checked or your aching tennis shoulder assessed? Call or drop by our Wellness Center for a timeslot.
The majority of our convenient onsite services are covered by your Monthly Service Fee, but sometimes small, irksome household projects need to be done, which you would much prefer someone else do for a small fee. If so, we've got you covered; call Housekeeping or Facilities to place an order and request pricing. These occasional tasks might be carpet cleaning, washing interior windows, flipping mattresses, cleaning tile grout and venetian blinds (both real headaches), cleaning fireplaces or woodwork, or simply rearranging furniture for a new look before weekend guests arrive.
Don't feel like eating in one of our three dining rooms tonight? Call ahead to order takeout and have it delivered. Want to host a party at home but not cook? Call our Chef or his staff to discuss dishes and pricing for a catered meal. As you can tell, independent living at Princeton Windrows is all about having multiple choices and options for how you spend your time. We all know how to cook, but isn't it grand to have a chef prepare our dinner and have it served in one of our beautiful dining rooms? We think so.